A staggering 2.5 billion #coffee cups are used in the UK alone each year. Yes, you read that correct, it's truly shocking! Also 1.5 billion litres of water go into making these cups. Coffee cups that end up in landfill sites produce an annual #carbon #footprint equivalent to 152,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (similar to that of 33,000 cars!) - HOC Environmental Audit Committee. Don't be fooled by the #compostable kind either as these are rarely disposed of in a manner that can ever compose properly. How many compostable bins have you found on a day out that can house and compose these types of cups appropriately? I've yet to see any?!
I urge anyone who hasn't already, to invest in a #reusable cup or more (I like different cups on the go in different places!) and keep it always in your car or bag. My current favourite has to be the lightweight, easy to clean, complete with it's very own carry handle - the huski cup, made from #recycled rice husks, it’s been a great day trip cup on my holiday. My other favourite is the wild and stone glass cup which I have on the go in my office and on the shop floor every day. There are many to choose from on the market.
Don't let the #covid pandemic blind side you from the bigger crisis we are facing- #climate change. Reusable coffee cups do not spread covid, they prevent the spread of continuous and unnecessary #waste. We can all take responsible steps to clean down these cups at coffee shops and huts to ensure maximum hygiene and minimum waste. If you have forgotten your cup in a one off instance ask for a cup without a lid to reduce the wastage and consider taking your cup home if compostable and pop it in your compost bin instead of a general waste bin. On my recent holiday to Ireland I calculated that I would have disposed of 26 cups had I not carried my Huski at all times when grabbing a coffee from a local coffee hut. Sadly I never witnessed anyone else in the queues with a #reusable. The main consensus being "because of covid" but no coffee van refused my reusable cup?
If you visit a local coffee shop or hut ask them to consider #incentives in reusing cups if they don't already offer this discount - remember you are saving them money too by reducing the demand for disposable cups! Ask them to also consider making reusable cups available for sale for customers too. If they offer compostable cups - ask them if they would consider providing a #compost bin. We can all play a part and it really is as simple as investing in a reusable coffee cup. Make the change, do it quick and encourage others. We have a duty of care for our #planet.